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Wednesday, January 10, 2018


·       INTERCULTURAL TRAINING | The Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative offers tailor-made meaningful workshops and training opportunities for organizations to gain awareness and skills about culturally responsive practice and collaboration. For details, visit: http://mchb.org/programs/cultural-competency (or) call: 780.423.1973

·       TRANSLATION & TUTORING SERVICES | Spanish – English – Spanish | For details: 780.474.6058 | e: leocamposa@gmail.com | www.tcng.ca

·       RELIABLE CLEANING SERVICE | Hola! I am available for residential cleaning services. If you need something done or if you know anyone who may, I would be grateful to know. I am affordable and a conscientious worker. Call 780.474.6058 | email: mdcarmengm67@gmail.com

·       EQUI-TEA MULTICULTURAL CATERING | We’re a social enterprise operated by the Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative. Check our menu & let us be part of your event. Visit: http://mchb.org/programs/equi-tea-multicultural-catering | (or) give us a call at: 780.991.2799

·       FOOD LITERACY | Wish to explore a program where seniors and senior high school students get together to learn from and support each other? Activities include walking, playing music, dancing, cooking, dining, reading, talking, painting, etc. Info: 780.438.3060 | e: bsabet@shaw.ca | Thanks!

·       WAYFINDERS BUSINESS COOPERATIVE | Navigating the 21st Century Together | Our vision is to provide access to a variety of services to help you manage your business and/or your organization. Membership will enable you to use co-op resources to optimize the value you offer while earning appropriate returns. As a co-operative, Wayfinders exist to provide the best available range of services to members at a reasonable cost. See: http://www.wayfindersbusinesscooperative.ca/