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Sunday, October 23, 2022

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY > Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op.

👉 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY | Multicultural Health Brokers (MCHB) Co-op is seeking a Spanish-speaking broker to work with the PLEI project (“Public Legal Education and Information”- funded by Justice Canada). This is a six-month contract (October/22 to March/23) for 90hrs/month at $28/hr. – Visit: http://mchb.org/…

🍁 This PLEI project seeks to bring together community members & leaders with legal system stakeholders. Together, they will design & deliver educational sessions and opportunities that support community members to understand-navigate the legal system – particularly in situations of family violence. At the same time, the sessions will increase the knowledge of legal system stakeholders about the context and lived experience of cultural minorities encountering the legal system.

🌈 The role of the cultural broker will be to: Network within the Spanish-speaking community in Edmonton to engage appropriate leaders and community members in conversations about family violence and the legal system, supporting them to come together with other stakeholders to design, plan and deliver educational sessions opportunities.

🙏 This requires some understanding of the diversity within the Spanish-speaking community & sensitivity to internal dynamics. You will carry a small caseload of families affected by family violence, helping with system navigation, providing holistic support – funneling the learning from front-line work into project development.

🫂 And you will also work productively in a team setting with both the project coordinator and cultural brokers who have extensive experience in the Spanish speaking community in Edmonton and regularly support families who are experiencing family violence.

TO APPLY > Please submit your resume in confidence to:

Yvonne Chiu – email: yvonne@mchb.org by Nov. 01, 2023.