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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY > Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op.

👉 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY | Multicultural Health Brokers (MCHB) Co-op is seeking a Spanish-speaking broker to work with the PLEI project (“Public Legal Education and Information”- funded by Justice Canada). This is a six-month contract (October/22 to March/23) for 90hrs/month at $28/hr. – Visit: http://mchb.org/…

🍁 This PLEI project seeks to bring together community members & leaders with legal system stakeholders. Together, they will design & deliver educational sessions and opportunities that support community members to understand-navigate the legal system – particularly in situations of family violence. At the same time, the sessions will increase the knowledge of legal system stakeholders about the context and lived experience of cultural minorities encountering the legal system.

🌈 The role of the cultural broker will be to: Network within the Spanish-speaking community in Edmonton to engage appropriate leaders and community members in conversations about family violence and the legal system, supporting them to come together with other stakeholders to design, plan and deliver educational sessions opportunities.

🙏 This requires some understanding of the diversity within the Spanish-speaking community & sensitivity to internal dynamics. You will carry a small caseload of families affected by family violence, helping with system navigation, providing holistic support – funneling the learning from front-line work into project development.

🫂 And you will also work productively in a team setting with both the project coordinator and cultural brokers who have extensive experience in the Spanish speaking community in Edmonton and regularly support families who are experiencing family violence.

TO APPLY > Please submit your resume in confidence to:

Yvonne Chiu – email: yvonne@mchb.org by Nov. 01, 2023.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

MAGIC & MUSIC: A Benefit for Rising Sun Theatre | Oct. 01, 2022

🙂 Magic & Music: A Benefit for Rising Sun Theatre > Sat. October 01, 2022 | Info: http://www.risingsuntheatre.ca | Tel: 780.913.6177 > A benefit for Rising Sun Theatre, the Edmonton non-profit that creates opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities to create & perform their own plays with the guidance of theatre professionals. 

Featuring Ron Pearson (Magic) + Singer-songwriter Dana Wylie and The Plain Jane Theatre Singers. Free soft drinks, snacks, a cash bar and an exciting silent auction. Saturday Oct.1, 2022 | 6:45 pm Snacks and Auction View | 7:30 pm Entertainment @ Workshop West's Gateway Theatre 8529 Gateway Blvd, Edmonton, AB. 

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/magic-music-a-benefit-for-rising-sun-theatre-tickets-411578190447 ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITY | Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council 2022 | Full Time Position: Program Assistant.

| Position: Program Assistant | The Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) is a solution and action-oriented industry-led organization that aims to address issues of access to the labor market integration for internationally trained professionals. ERIEC aims to help increase the employment capacity of immigrant professionals in the Edmonton Region and to connect employers to new Canadians and work in collaboration with immigrant service providers and other key stakeholders.

ERIEC’s mission is dedicated to ensuring immigrants become fully integrated into the Edmonton regional labor market by focusing on networking, knowledge transfer, information coordination and dissemination, and capacity building to employers, service providers, and underutilized skilled immigrants. We embrace diversity and offer equal opportunities to all qualified applicants regardless of origin, culture, ethnicity, age, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or faith. Thank you to all those who apply, only those who are short-listed will be contacted. 

The Opportunity | We are looking to hire a Program Assistant for our Edmonton office. This opportunity will be a full-time permanent position. You will get to work on a small team with a great passion for guiding and seeing new Canadians succeed! The Program Assistant plays a key administrative role in supporting ERIEC (Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council) staff, clients, and other stakeholders to foster the integration of professional immigrants into the labor market through employment mentoring and networking programs for skilled professionals in the City of Edmonton. You will be actively supporting immigrant clients from application up to the completion of their mentorship relationship with a mentor. 

Who You Are | As the Program Assistant, you enjoy contributing strategically to the organizational growth through effective organization and coordination. You are also sound at making administrative decisions with good data, balancing multiple priorities, and working in a team environment. You possess the right education, experience, and skills. 

What We Offer | As a valued employee at ERIEC, you will receive the following: salary at $45,236 • Health benefits after three months of employment • Three (3) weeks annual vacation – we believe in work-life balance and healthy and well-rested employees. Opportunity to meet and learn from diverse cultures. We believe in a collaborative environment, and we enjoy welcoming and supporting professional newcomers from diverse backgrounds. Career Development & Continuing education and development is something we take seriously. We want to make sure you have the opportunity to maximize your potential.

Application Deadline: 4:30 pm, May 20th, 2022. For a full position description and how to apply please see: https://www.eriec.ca/stories/eriec-hiring-program-assistant/ …  | Thank You.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


CBU MBA in Community Economic Development | The Cape Breton                    University (CBU) MBA in Community Economic Development has been                    delivered face-to-face in Edmonton on weekends for 20 years, and is fully                accredited by the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education & Technology.  

· MULTIPLE DATES > With classes scheduled about 16 weekends a year, the CBU MBA program in Edmonton in partnership with NAIT caters to people who need flexibility to balance work, family & studies. All courses are delivered on weekends by acclaimed faculty from all across Canada, allowing you to advance your career while continuing to work by earning your MBA degree in 24 months.

· The MBA in Community Economic Development resonates with people working in the public sector, community organizations, social enterprises and entrepreneurial businesses, attracting learners who want to make a difference in their organizations and communities. This MBA is accessible for non-degree applicants who have significant managerial experience, as well as for applicants with non-business degree backgrounds. For a preliminary assessment of your program eligibility & potential GMAT waiver, email your resume and unofficial transcript(s) to: mba@cbu.ca ||| CBU offers its unique MBA degree in 5 cities across Canada: Edmonton, Saskatoon, Brandon, Toronto, and Sydney. 

· For more information please contact: mba@cbu.ca ||| IMPORTANT: Please note that during the COVID-19 pandemic, weekend classes will continue using synchronous technologies such as Zoom & Microsoft Teams. In person weekend classes will resume when it is deemed appropriate.

· Information & Registration: 

Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cbu-mba-weekends-at-nait-tickets-294782421157 ...

NAIT: https://www.nait.ca/nait/marketing/community-development-masters-degree ...

Thursday, February 17, 2022

IMPLEMENTING a JUST TRANSITION | A Parkland Virtual Conference.

Implementing a Just Transition

Parkland Institute’s Virtual Conference

Wednesday & Thursday, February 23 and 24, 2022 

On February 23 and 24, 2022, Parkland Institute will host its “Implementing a Just Transition” conference. In this virtual event, national and international speakers will discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in implementing a transition to a clean energy economy that is fair to the workers and communities impacted. Hear from our keynote speakers as they explore how all levels of government must engage with impacted communities and workers while implementing policies that will respond to the climate crisis. Engage with our panel of international experts and discover how governments around the world are moving forward with the development of policy and actions for just transitions of their economies. Discuss what a just transition looks like in Canada and Alberta, within the context of a shrinking job market in the Canadian oil and gas industry, which since 2014 has shed 18% of its workforce due to structural changes and increasing automation.

Speakers include:

·    Mayor of Calgary Jyoti Gondek (one of her first moves as a mayor was declaring a climate emergency in the city)

·    Catherine Abreu, considered one of the worlds 100 most influential people in climate policy (Apolitical, 2019)

·    Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, an organization that represents more than 175,000 workers in the public and private sectors

·    Jim Skea, chair of Scotlands Just Transition Commission

·    Brian Motherway, director of the Energy Efficiency Division of the International Energy Agency and lead of the IEA's work with the Global Commission on People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions

·    Sam Smith, director of the International Trade Union Confederations Just Transition Center 

Watch a video preview of the conference in this series of short interviews with featured panelists. Registration for “Implementing a Just Transition” is open until February 22 at ParklandConference.ca ...

Saturday, February 12, 2022

FYI > DartQ Aptitute Test for Women & BIPOC | Volunteers Required.

DART MANAGEMENT CONSULTING | 🙂 ▪ DartQ offers software/cybersecurity testing aptitude tests that provide unbiased assessments of candidates from diverse socioeconomic, culture ethnic backgrounds and genders. 

▪ The DartQ Aptitude Test incorporates logic, math, visual, problem-solving skills, demographic and personality questions to develop holistic results. ▪ In addition to the aptitude tests and results we provide a report for clients then meet with them to share out insights. Interested in being a Volunteer Subject Matter Expert? 

▪ An opportunity to help women and BIPOC by validating the test ▪ Receive your own test results ▪ Help eliminate biases for Women and BIPOC in the technology sector and create a more inclusive, diverse community 

▪ Volunteer SMEs are ideally Women and BIPOC with interest in technology and cybersecurity | For further information, visit: https://www.dartmconsulting.com/dartq 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

LOVE LETTER TO MEN: A Celebration of Men & Mental Health - Feb. 7-10, 2022.

FREE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE – Feb. 07-10, 2022 | Love Letter to Men: A Celebration of Men and Mental Health.

We invite you to join us for a conversation over the course of the evenings of February 7-10, 2022. We have created a virtual space to allow a discussion on issues related to the mental well-being of men in our society. Our objective is to bring together men, and the women who love them, from all walks of life to discuss the full spectrum of mental health and its impacts on society. 

We will provide resources, share best practices, and invite community insights on where there are currently gaps in support for men’s mental health and well-being as well as how these gaps could be addressed. We have a wide array of presentations that include insights from the latest research as well as stories of how men have faced adversity and come through victorious on the other side. 

Our virtual doors will open at 6pm allowing for a lot of direct virtual networking with mental health professionals as well as those seeking understanding how to better support themselves or their loved ones.

Visit our registration page to learn more about our presentations & networking opportunities. We are look forward to seeing you online for this vital conversation. Visit > https://lovelettertomen.com/