| EDMONTON > Local businesses are
finding innovative ways to serve our community. Show your support in a time
that has turned our whole world upside-down. This initiative was developed to
help small businesses communicate what they are doing to pull through the crisis.
It may be quiet, but if you listen closely, there's a hum. Behind closed doors,
kitchens are cooking, artists are creating, instructors are teaching, makers
are making. Things may have changed, but we're resilient, we've found new ways
to connect. || https://edmonton.thingsthatareopen.com
On Civil Society &
Democracy: The
Commons Podcast | Veteran/Retired Journalist &
Author Satya Das
explores the nature of A Civil Society with Co-Hosts Rod Olstad & Leo
Campos A. || https://www.thecommonspodcastedmonton.org
COVID-19 | The Conference Board of Canada > Things are changing quickly; evidence-based perspective on coronavirus is essential. This site is our go-to resource
for insights and analysis on COVID-19. Here, we bring you quick-read articles
based on our multi-disciplinary research. Each article gives you a fact-based
understanding of the complex issues we face. || https://www.conferenceboard.ca/insights/covid-19